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Blood and Water: Three Short Stories Page 4

‘It’s not a settlement exactly, but a Norman hunting lodge, rather like Luggershall – probably built around the time of Edward Longshanks. I wrote an article about it for History Magazine a couple of years back.’

  Mark was still towelling Jeep. He gave me a sullen look.

  But then Dad spoke again. ‘The lodge was flooded during the Industrial Revolution. I went down to the lake every day during the drought when Mark was born. All I saw was the uppermost tip of the construction. The rest of it remained invisible to me. I was certain the water wouldn’t drop low enough, so I gave up. It hasn’t showed itself for the past two hundred years, so why should it do so during a minor drought?’

  ‘But I’ve seen them,’ I insisted, ‘twice.’

  Dad chortled. ‘Yes, Simon.’ And he lifted his newspaper again.

  I fingered my camera-phone in my pocket.

  Dad spoke once more. ‘I would have given my right foot to have seen that blasted lodge. It would have been a majestic sight!’

  I took the phone from my pocket and opened picture apps. The three towers flashed before me. Dad was right. The land did absorb history and it might be his job to squeeze out what he could.

  I closed apps and put the camera back in my pocket.

  But I have decided this time to let Hickledon keep its secret – perhaps Dad was never meant to see it. I caught Mark’s eye and gave him a small smile.

  Author’s thrillers

  The Shuttered Room

  Little do they know their captive holds a deadly secret.

  Jess is taken hostage and incarcerated in an upstairs room by three thugs demanding a huge ransom from her rich father.

  In a bid to escape, she cuts a hole in the bedroom floor with a cutlery knife. From there, Jess observes the three of them going about their everyday business.

  That’s when she starts playing games with them. That’s when her spying pulls her into a treacherous psychological game with her abductors.

  If only they knew what their captive was up to. What would they do to her?


  Her harsh brand of rehab hides a bitter secret.

  Nancy is hurled into the world of celebrity when she finds herself performing a shoot for handsome but odious playboy, Vince, as they walk from one of his nightclubs.

  The seduction of this other world sours after Nancy overhears Vince make a bet about her with his PA, Leon.

  Her world falls apart after Vince’s limo crashes, killing Leon and propelling Nancy into a nightmare world where her alter ego Nora is born.

  Vince’s playboy lifestyle is about to be turned upside down. Hers will never be the same.

  Falling Awake

  Insomnia can have the most sinister causes.

  Gemma is left destitute after her husband mysteriously disappears, leaving only a sinister doodle as a clue to why.

  Desperate to save her home, Gemma takes up a commission performing erotic routines for insomniac voyeur, Luke across the courtyard.

  As the lenders encroach closer to snatching her house away, Gemma finds herself obligated to her voyeur. However, her suspicions on the real cause of Luke’s insomnia cause her to question his motives.

  As she uncovers the ugly truth surrounding her husband’s disappearance, Gemma’s paranoia surrounding Luke takes its grip. Is he what he appears?

  A Hard Lesson

  A teacher takes on the pupil from hell only to learn what treachery means.

  Sarah thought she was teaching a schoolchild a little English.

  How wrong she was.

  Not only is her subject a thug, he is dyslexic and member of a criminal gang headed by a psychopath.

  And this psychopath doesn’t like people interfering with his business.

  Soon, she will learn the meaning of treachery.

  And fear.

  An affecting tale about shame, blackmail and lies.

  Author’s Websites

  Writers’ Remedies blog.

  Charles Jay Harwood site

  Novel Writing Site

  All About Writing Screenplays

  ISBN 9781476136639